2024: Immediate Change

Immediate Means Now.

Visit Our Forum: No More Biopsy Blues!

Back in the Spring, we launched a new forum on our main website, No More Biopsy Blues!


A Pre-Geriatric Saga: Pt. 7 – The END of Biopsy Blues

During month of March, my illustrious surgeon confirmed what the LORD had already said some time ago… an ALL CLEAR DECLARATION FROM BREAST CANCER!


A Pre-Geriatric Saga, Pt. 6: Focused BC Conquerors

In fact, everyone present was definitely pro-active when it came to treatment. One of the younger ladies had problems with her doctor answering her questions ambiguously, and making light of her concerns. She got more advice in 10 minutes than she’ll probably receive in a lifetime!


A Pre-Geriatric Saga Sidetrack: Do It Again!

In conclusion, it appears that the more angst pointed this way, the more God turns my attention to the good things in my life. He’s surrounded me with people who think. So, let’s have the same thing for Christmas! Don’t call me, I’ll call you.


A Pre-Geriatric Saga, Pt. 5: The Biopsy Blues-Apprehension Unnecessary

Yet, they can grace the covers of Vogue, some showed up so clean; they are valiant, they are consistently bringing their mothers, husbands, sisters, daughters or themselves to treatment every day without fail and without complaint.


A Pre-Geriatric Saga, Pt. 4: The Biopsy Blues – Gratitude

This blog helped me maintain my equilibrium, along with support from unexpected places. On this occasion, I want to take a minute to thank the medical staffs, a government worker, my neighbors and my family for getting me through the first surgery I ever had in my life.

06.24.2013 · 4 Comments

RIP, Baritone Marvin Junior of the Mighty Dells

On Wednesday, May 29th, a great voice was silenced. Marvin Junior, the lead singer for the Mighty Dells since 1952, passed away at home. He was surrounded by his friends and family. He was 77.


A Pre-Geriatric Saga, Pt. 3: The Sequester Blues (For Cancer Patients)

This is a real example of POLITICAL INCORRECTNESS, that you’d leave someone to die because of a silly philosophical disagreement.


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©2023 – Julia S. Butler and “2023: Immediate Change.” Unauthorized use and/or duplication of this material without express and written permission from this blog’s author and/or owner is strictly prohibited. Excerpts and links may be used, provided that full and clear credit is given to Julia S. Butler and “2022: Immediate Change” with appropriate and specific direction to the original content.

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